You’re opening morning email at school and there it is: your teacher observation has been scheduled. Instantly, an uneasy feeling takes over. With all you have to do to keep classes running smoothly day to day, a formal observation is the last thing you want to deal with. Sometimes, that allotted date is anything but optimal! And it’s hard to think about what the perfect lesson should look like when…
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Beginning of Year Middle School
5 Strategies for a SOLID START to Your School Year
. Ahh, starting the school year! A time for both excitement and nervousness, right? I actually enjoy going in and setting up my classroom, shining up my bookshelves, and decorating with posters and displays appealing to my 7th and 8th graders. Then I take that first peek at my new class lists. Reality sets in. Time to bring the A game. Read on and I will share with you 5 key…
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